Airbrush Tan Before and After Care

*Shower, exfoliate, and remove body hair 24-8 hours before your tanning session. Any facials, waxing, manicures, and pedicures also need to be done 24-8 hours before session.
*Skin should be clean and dry before being sprayed. Avoid applying moisturizers, deodorants, antiperspirants, oils or makeup before tanning appointment. They can effect tan development.

*Remove all jewelry before being sprayed
*Style hair in a hair clip or pony tail so it will be off of your face and neck.
* For tan line ( if you want one) wear tanning clothing we provide or a dark snug swimsuit to create your "tan line"
*We provide barrier cream, place on nails and dry areas ( hands, knees, elbows and feet)

*Wear dark loose fitting clothing for 6-8 hours while tan develops.
*Don't exercise, sweat, swim, or bath for 6-8 hours
*After 6-8 hours, shower normally, avoid the use of exfoliates, abrasives, long hot showers, bathes, saunas, hot tubes, or going to the pool as it will cause the tan to fade quicker.
*Some color wash off in the shower is normal; this is excess solution, and color guide tint. You will still have a bronze tan developed in to skin.
*Pat, don't rub skin dry. ( VERY IMPORTANT)
*In a rare occasion of an area too dark or uneven place baby powder in that area, it helps even out the color
*Avoid exfoliating skin. Some products can cause faster fading, bar soaps, alcohol based products such as toners and astringents, products that cause exfoliation such as AHAs, BHAs, Retin-A etc..
*Moisturizing is the key to the maximum results of your tan. Use a non-alcohol based lotion at least twice a day. THE BETTER YOU TAKE CARE OF YOUR SKIN AND FOLLOW THESE HELPFUL TIPS THE LONGER YOUR TAN WILL LAST